The Craftsman
Some time ago a colleague found out I was interested in photography and asked if I'd take some photos for her friend who is putting together a website to publicise his skills and business.
I've never taken photos for anyone else before so it was a new challenge.
Today was the day and I met Sarah at her house from where she took me to Chris' workshop. When we got there a Chris produced this beautiful writing desk which he'd made. I was stunned ...
I've admired desks like this in the numerous gift catalogues which come through the post at Christmas but I'd never seen one like this. As a stationary lover I was thrilled. On the outside it looks like a beautiful wooden box but opens up revealing the writing desk, inkwells and numerous compartments, some you would never know were there.
The finish and detail were fantastic. The locks had beautiful old fashioned keys. The outer key was finished with a ribbon of leather. It's the perfect keepsakes box. I could just picture my Antigua Conway Stewart fountain pens, purple ink, writing paper and diary stored in it. Just as well it was spoken for.
The detail and craftsmanship was perfect. The tiny joints fitted together perfectly and all the little boxes and compartments slid in and out with ease, never sticking.
I left most of my Lensbabies at home as I was aware I had to take photos for Sarah and Chris, not to take what I wanted. I did however take my Edge 50 and Velvet 56. Sarah and Chris have an assortment of photos to use, some taken with Lensbabies and some with conventional lenses. The photos above are my favourites, unsurprisingly they are all Lensbaby shots
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